That living water bubbled up and was made manifest in Jesus the Christ. The character, purpose and action of God were all revealed in his life and work, his dying and rising. The living water flowed out in his words and actions, bringing healing and hope, refreshment and joy. In Jesus we see the lived manifestation of God, like a vast river of living water flowing out and nourishing the land – and even as it does so replenishing the Ground from which it springs in a continuous flow of love. But it does not end there.
As the risen Christ says in Matthew 28:20 ‘remember, I am with you to the end of the age.’ The action of the Spirit, the Keeper, carries that living water out and on into the world, continuing the mission of God in every place and time. The contemplative theologian Cynthia Bourgeault compares the action of God as Trinity to a paddle steamer on the Mississipi, the living water continually being given and received between the different paddles in a dynamic flow of energy. We are called into this dynamic action of God, that brings the living waters of truth and justice to our lives and world.
So on this Trinity Sunday, as we contemplate the mystery, the manifestation and the mission that is God, may we recognize that this is a dynamic of loving relationship in which we too have a part to play, and may we find in this picture of non-hierarchical community an antidote to the false exercise of power. Amen.
by Penny Jones, for Trinity Sunday, 7 June 2020