The phrase a ‘leap of faith’ is falsely attributed to the theologian and philosopher Kierkegaard. As Kierkegaard himself pointed out the leap that allows us to have faith in God, is itself induced by faith – we cannot have one without the other. As we trace the moments of leaping forward in our spiritual journey therefore, we are also tracing the moments of faith – the gifted moments when we can discern the presence of the divine. Such moments are to be treasured and celebrated even as they enable us to take the next leap forward.
In our time of silence you may like to reflect back in God’s presence on your journey of faith, celebrating those moments where you have leapt forward in understanding, in practice and in depth of relationship. You might think of each one as like a precious pearl, to be strung along a rosary of thankfulness. Hold each one in your mind’s eye, giving thanks for all that it taught you about yourself and God; and as you move to the next acknowledge that it acted as the springboard for fresh exploration. And invite God to gift you with the faith that will take you into your next leap forward. Amen.
by Penny Jones, for Sanctus contemplative gathering @MiltonAnglican,
Saturday 29 February 2020.