Over the last thirty years or so and extraordinary amount of church time and attention has been spent on ‘mission’. Mostly it has been a self-interested exercise to do with numbers attending church services. But mission, as Jesus exemplifies it here, has nothing to do with building up the church or any other institution, and everything to do with addressing human need. Jesus does not put limits on who is to be helped – Jesus doesn’t say only help those of this parish, or denomination, or with that colour skin or that sexuality or gender. Rather Jesus' is the original ‘Medecin San Frontieres’, “Healing Without Boundaries”.
It is wonderful that some of us can meet together physically today and even more wonderful that thanks to technology many more can join us virtually. As we seek as a community of faith to live into the mission of God, I wonder who has become a part of you through your encounters and especially who has been moving you to the guts and bowels? To whom is God calling you to reach out in healing, advocacy and service? For it is our mission as a parish to join in God’s mission, and to offer the compassion – the bodily participation – of God to all in need. So, may we be moved with compassion and may we participate in the mission of God in our world today and every day. Amen.
by Penny Jones, for the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday 14 June 2020